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7 Things you need to know about Reiki

Updated: Oct 8, 2020

1. Reiki is an ancient healing modality designed to bring emotional and physical well-being to patients. Its central principle involves the movement of energy at the hands of a Reiki healer.

There are many benefits to reiki, particularly when it comes to physical manifestations of emotional pain. Most people leave reiki healing sessions feeling aligned, restored, and centered. Reiki can be particularly valuable for treating anxiety.

2. Reiki healing is based on the belief that we are made up of shifting fields of energy. These energy fields or centers change throughout our days and years due to life’s own natural flux.

This energy is often referred to as “chi,” or life force. Some traditions also call this life energy “prana.” Many followers of the yogic tradition also study the Chakras, the energy centers in the body. During a Reiki session, your healer will work with your body’s fields of energy. He or she will use very light touch to do so, focusing on realigning and balancing your energies. In this sense, Reiki may be very similar to other modalities designed to shift and rebalance energy. These include deep breathing techniques, acutonics, acupuncture, and Thai massage.

3. While it is not uncommon to experience miraculous results after the very first session, it is possible to enjoy a Reiki healing session now and then, much like a massage. However, because Reiki is a form of therapy, many practitioners recommend that you undergo at least a series of four sessions to see maximum results. If you suffer from any serious condition, such as chronic pain or depression, your practitioner may recommend even more than four consecutive sessions.

4. Every Reiki practitioner will structure sessions differently. For this reason, your Reiki healing sessions will vary in length. You may undergo a session that lasts only 20 minutes. Other sessions can be as long as 90 minutes. The length of your session will depend on your practitioner and your own therapeutic needs.

Some healers will also spend time getting to know you before a first session. Others like to discuss your experience following time spent on the healing table.

5. We can’t emphasize this enough. Just as every psychotherapy session is different, every Reiki healing session will have its unique flavor and direction. Your Reiki experience will depend on what your healing needs are. People who are using Reiki to treat anxiety, for example, will have a fundamentally different experience than those turning to energy work for cancer recovery. Reiki sessions will also depend on your relationship with your practitioner and your willingness to let the healing work happen.

6. Reiki does not require any “invasion” of your body. Your practitioner won’t be applying needles to acupressure points, for example, as she would in an acupuncture session. Your healer will use very light touch to manipulate energy fields. However, this touch is very light, always appropriate, and often very soothing. This can be ideal for people who are wary of invasive healing of any kind. Typically, patients lay down, fully clothed, on a comfortable massage table to receive Reiki healing.

7. Reiki healing may just be your solution for alleviating anxiety, chronic pain, relationship issues, and more. Before you sign up for your Reiki healing session, be sure to familiarize yourself a little bit more with this ancient healing modality. Reiki has Japanese origins and works with the body’s energy fields or centers. Practitioners use non-invasive touch to realign and clear relevant energy centers in the body.

Because Reiki is therapy, it may be used alongside other healing treatments, such as hypnotherapy. It does not require any prior experience.

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